The World After Advertising

I was asked to give the opening keynote at The World After Advertising conference in Düsseldorf, Germany, back in November 2010; where I presented a PoV on the future of advertising and the digital landscape - focusing heavily on user experience driven by data & technology.

The keynote covers relations between people and brands, the evolution of the digital consumer, the evolution of technology and how it changed us, an introduction to contextual computing, adaptive experiences, the Internet of Things, and a few predictions for the next 5 years.

The events was recorded, but I have not managed to get the official video – luckily for us, someone at the front row recorded the entire keynote from their phone.

Find below the full video recording, slides, and an amazing infographic an artist made live while listening to my keynote.

YouTube Full Video Recording:

SlideShare with full audio voice over:

**[The World After Advertising]( "The World After Advertising")**
View more [webinars]( from [Rob Gonda](
Future of Advertising Infographic
[![](/content/uploads/2011/02/rob_gonda_digital_advertising_landscape_20151-550x437.jpg "World After Advertising - Future Digital Landscape 2015 - Infographic")](/content/uploads/2011/02/rob_gonda_digital_advertising_landscape_20151.jpg)
Last but not least, big thanks to Martin Meyer-Gossner from TheStrategyWeb for such an [amazing review]( "World After Advertising and the Internet of Things").

So what do you think? Will contextual computing control personalized experiences and media? Will the government try to regulate the Internet of Things? Will Facebook have the guts to get into display ads?  Will Google finally get one right and build the right experience for seamless social mobility into the Android OS?