Posts related to Social Media

Pinterest Ecommerce Infographic

Pinterest is now the 3rd most popular social network site in the U.S. , and ecommerce stores can leverage its popularity to significantly increase traffic and sales (as seen in this Pinterest Ecommerce Infographic).

To better understand how Pinterest is impacting the ecommerce industry, Shopify analyzed data from over 25,000 online stores. Interestingly, referral traffic from Pinterest to Shopify stores is equal to traffic coming from Twitter; of that traffic, shoppers are 10% more likely to make a purchase compared to those who arrive from other social sites. Of those purchases, the average order is double the average order from Facebook. Pinterest has already become a huge player in the world of ecommerce.

Check out all of our findings in the Pinterest Ecommerce Infographic below. Please click on the image to view it in full-screen.

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Facebook IPO Analysis

Collection of charts summing up a perspective and Facebook IPO Analysis curating and focusing on all the buzz leading up to the big event, and the controversy proceeding it.

Shares in the social-media giant Facebook (NAS: FB) have been public for more than two weeks now. The bad news is that they’re down more than 35% since opening at $42 on May 18. The good news is that things could have been a lot worse.

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Facebook Stock Price to Twitter Sentiment Correlation

If you had traded FB Stock the IPO Opening day based on Twitter sentiment signals, how would you have done? Think Twitter could be a valid indicator of Facebook Stock Price?

Probably pretty well! Claims data collection and analysis company Datasift.

They monitored Twitter’s social data and its relation to the Facebook stock price. What they found was pretty interesting: the positive and negative posts on Twitter mirrored the fluctuations in Facebook stock price.

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Google+ infographic

Google+ now finally open to the public “might” make me change my perception. Google+ (plus) launched early July on an invite only basis, which seems to have heavily skewed towards a geeky male US-based audience. At the moment, Google+ really has nothing to offer in the social end … yes, the way you organize friends is better (IMO) than Facebook, and … … … well, that’s it … You might have heard me claim that it will compete against iCloud in the quest to conquer your hard data (photos, videos, music, files) - but that’s another post on its own.

The first Google+ infographic was released an the numbers pretty much confirm it: 26 million users, 100% of which work in software engineering, web development, advertising, or related careers. Should be interesting to watch it shift (or not) now that Google+ is open to the public.

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Official Facebook Places Video

Check out the official teaser video for Facebook places. What I really love about it is that it maps exactly to SapientNitro’s PoV on the space-time continuum for experience mapping; in layman terms what we believe is that every moment should cross space and time. A moment crosses spacewhen multiple people in different locations can live the same moment .. for example, you share a live video feed, lifecast, share status updates, photos, and your friends all over the world can interact with this content in real time.

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