Posts related to Video

How to Frame the Future

With today’s pace of change and innovation, new technologies, services, startups, and constant chaos - one of the most common asks is to how do we make sense of it all? What will stand out? What should we invest on? Here’s a short video I presented at the Digiday Agency Innovation Camp on how to reframe the problem, simplify the statement, and create a framework to explain the future.

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Sky’s Talking Windows - How to ruin a great technology

Often innovation finds a series of technologies, repurposes them, mashes them up, and creates an incredible new experience; other times, it ruins them.

Over the past couple of years, a new type of speaker has been emerging: a portable vibration speaker that can turn any surface into speakers, like the TruPulse , EpiShock , or many others.

Apparently Sky Go came up with a great idea: to use sound as a medium by enabling windows at subways or trains. They called it, the Talking Window Ads . The idea is actually really good, but if you watch the video below, you’d find that the implementation - not so much. You tell me: who would like to be unexpectedly interrupted, likely when you’re trying to sleep, with a voice trying to sell you Sky Go?

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Viral Video Friday: Google - Real World as Irritating as the Internet

Google Analytics has put together a series of videos demonstrating what poor Web design can do to an online commerce site - situations we’d never put up in real life.

Produced by Google’s in-house video agency in the UK, all the spots have the absurdity of a Monty Python skit. It seems weird for Google to be dissing online search and e-commerce, but here it serves the greater goal of telling people to learn more about their customers via Analytics. And in this case, it’s funny ‘cause it’s true.

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Turkish Airlines: Kobe Bryant And Leo Messi Compete For A Little Boy’s Attention

Today’s ad of the day features two greats from the sports world: Lakers player Kobe Bryant and Barcelona soccer star Lionel Messi. The Turkish Airline spot shows Bryant and Messi trying their hardest to win the attention of a little boy looking for an autograph.

For those who know me, I’ve been a Barça fan for over 20 years, so Messi should win hands down …

¡Visca Barça!

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