Posts related to WTF

iPhone 5 has a laser keyboard and holographic projection, says Fox

Amazingly funny - someone at Fox 5 either has no idea about current technology and what a smartphone is capable of, or this was a joke that made it on to live television and the repercussions are now being felt. As part of their NYC coverage segment, they used some over-a-year-old futuristic iPhone 5 concepts that showed it with lasers and holographic projection capabilities.

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WP Super Cache Hacked and Cloaked my Site!

Classified as RANT!

Prequel: I noticed that some pages were taking too long to load … I heard good things about WP Super Cache and I had tried it before, but it was messing up when toggling between web view and mobile view … randomly providing web users the mobile view, and mobile users the web view … I decided to give it another chance, tested, and it works … speeded up the site drastically.

Chapter 1: A week goes by and I notice a drop in site traffic … I analyze why and it’s mainly organic traffic from Google

More specifically, % Change -42.81% … ok, now I’m pissed… why all the sudden my search ranking dropped so much?!

Chapter 2: I perform a search for some of my main articles, such as Free Social Media Monitoring Tools . Result?

Buy Meridia Pill? Reliable Online Drugstore? WTF?! Where did this come from? I obviously never put that there … So I click through and it’s my regular content … but if I open the cached Google version, this is what I see:

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Microsoft + Seinfeld + Gates = FAIL

There’s a fine line between crazy and genius and CPB’s new Microsoft has drawn some attention and criticism at least in the advertising community. The common consensus is that it was a disaster, but is there more to it? As nicely said by nowpublic:

The widespread consensus: Microsoft + Jerry + Bill = FAIL. The result: Gates + Seinfeld = CANCELLED. The Microsoft version: it was all part of the plan.

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