Posts related to cannes lions

Global Brands vs Global Celebrities: Who’s the Smarter Marketer?

SapientNitro’s 2012 Cannes Lions presentation on Global Brands vs Global Celebrities, by my good friend Freddie Laker, who moderated a debate beween Daz McColl and Omar Epps.

** [Global Brands vs Global Celebs: Who's the Smarter Marketer?]( "Global Brands vs Global Celebs: Who") ** from **[Freddie Laker](**

Cannes Review > Beyond the Horizon

Monday, 20 June. Review for Beyond the Horizon by PHD, presented by Mark Holden , Global Strategy and Planning Director.

Intro: The session was consistent with the overall 2011 theme of marketing technology - the role of technology impact in advertising, marketing, and customer experience. Mark did a great job describing a bunch of new tech and putting them in perspective of why they matter for the new consumer.

He opened up stating that there are 1.2 billion people in social networks - no surprise, but the next 1 billion will enter through mobile. We all knew how important mobile is, this is just a reassurance.

Next he explained that what drives technology is us, individuals, humanity. Technology is a human invention to solve human problems, being driven strictly by human needs. Therefore, technology is a consequence of human needs and desires - and what is driving humans? What drives humanity is need for abundance: we want everything, everyone, everywhere - and we won’t stop until we get it.

Following the intro, Mark jumped into multiple categories of technical innovations, grouped by infrastructure, interface, and internet.

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Creative Inspiration - Cannes Lions 2010

Freddie sent this email internally, but no reason we shouldn’t share.

The following are a collection of the work that left the biggest impression at Cannes Lions 2010, but I encourage you to visit for the full list. The first couple below are truly amazing and should wet your appetite to view the whole list.

“Andes Teletransporter” / InBev: (click view movie)

“Sounds of Hamburg”  / Philharmonic Orchestra of Hamburg

"Smile Activated Vending Machine" / Unilever / A SapientNitro Winner:
[]( "Sapient - Unilever - Smile Activated Vending Machine")