Posts related to facebook

Google Vs Facebook: Google Me is not a rumor

Citing a “very credible source,” Digg founder Kevin Rose tweeted that Google is readying “Google Me,” a social network intended to compete with Facebook … The Tweet was now deleted, but not before many sites including Gizmodo , and Louis Gray already wrote about it. TechCrunch confirmed today that it’s not a rumor, it’s real. D’Angelo, who was Facebook’s CTO for years, shared his thoughts as an answer to one of the questions on Quora.

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Facebook Opens Up Its Stream API To Developers. Let The Conversation Wars Begin!

Facebook has opened up its activity stream through a new API for developers. Now any developer can create new applications incorporating the real-time stream. One of the first apps to take advantage of this new API is Seesmic Desktop , A Twitter client which is now adding your Facebook feed through this API (something Tweetdeck already did in the past through other more restrictive means). Facebook has also created its own desktop notification client to demonstrate what can be built with the API.

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Facebook copies Twitter again, Facebook is doing everything wrong

Last month, Jason Calacanis wrote he’d pay $250,000 to be listed as a Twitter “Suggested Follow ” for two years. Getting on Twitter’s “suggested” list can drive hundred of thousands of people to follow a Twitter feed. Facebook has taken notice, and this weekend has started recommending Facebook fan pages of some public personas and brand on its own site. (Sarah Lacy, Julia Allison, and Mark Cuban have all already made Facebook’s list.

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A review of Social Media in 2008

Social media is the use of electronic and Internet tools for the purpose of sharing and discussing information and experiences with other human beings. The term most often refers to activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio. Social media consists of social networks (myspace, facebook, linkedin), social network aggregation (friendfeed), user generated content (youtube, flickr, wikipedia), social bookmarking (delicious, sumbleupon), social news (digg, dzone, reddit), virtual worlds (second life), online gaming (world of warcraft), livecasting (justin.

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