Posts related to iPhone

iPhone infographic: The iPhone turns 5

Brilliant iPhone Infographic showing the history of the iPhone since it was released 5 years ago. Early adopters ogled its touchscreen interface and poked at little icons. Today, the smartphone and touchscreen concept is totally mainstream thanks in large part to the iPhone’s overwhelming success and iconic design. Arguably, the iPhone was the beginning of the mobile revolution.

The device revolutionized Apple itself. iPhone sales were a tiny slice of Apple pie in 2007. In 2012, it accounts for 58% of the company’s revenue (which, overall, has skyrocketed, thanks to a culture of iTunes and apps propagated by the iPhone) – check out Apple by the Numbers .

Sales of the iPhone (and its related services and accessories) even trump the revenue of entire companies like Microsoft and Disney. It’s no wonder that Apple is consistently a front-runner for the most valuable company in the world by market cap.

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Apple by the Numbers Infographic

The infographic below was designed by Sortable . It shares the latest Apple profits, revenues and cash-in-hand, along with the company’s reach — 30% of smartphone users in the U.S. have an iPhone.

Along with an impressive iPad market share (62%) and an astounding number of employees (over 30,000), don’t forget one of Apple’s most valuable properties — the App Store. You’ll currently find 600,000 apps and counting in the store, and 895 new apps are added every day.

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Firefox Shows Off Its Upcoming Browser For Tablets

In a blog post published Tuesday , Mozilla user experience designer Ian Barlow previewed the user interface their Mobile Team is in the process of building for a tablet version of Firefox. Firefox for tablets, which does not yet have a release date, will be optimized to run on Honeycomb Android tablets. The browser will include features from the desktop version of Firefox such as tabs, themes and the Awesomebar, an adaptation of a feature launched with Firefox 3 that enables quick access to bookmarks and browsing history.

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Viral Video Friday

Today’s award goes to iPhone4 vs HTC Evo. I’m sure most of you have seen it, but if you haven’t, the video is a parody mocking Apple-heads / fans that blindly follow the brand for status … It shows how Apple builds following through designing great experiences and even if other brands have better technology, they cannot match the feeling one gets when holding an iPhone.

This video came out the same day the iPhone4 was released, immediately rocked the charts, and keep going strong.

The creator of the video worked at Best Buy, who immediately suspended him – creating some negative PR which shows you that even though Twelp won the Grand Prix at Cannes this  year, Best Buy is still learning how to best leverage social media.

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Adobe, stop trying to get into the iPhone

Latest news, Adobe finally gets into the iPhone/iPad by delivering Flash-based ads to the iAd network. Mashable reads: “Adobe to Bring Flash-Based Ads to iPhone : Adobe has partnered with ad company Greystripe to deliver Flash-based ads to Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Greystripe makes this possible by converting Flash ads (which the devices do not currently support) into the competing HTML5 format” Now, has Adobe stopped for a second to think, if you can do everything Flash can do in html5, why using Flash at all?

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