Posts related to mobile advertising

Future of Mobile Advertising

The mobile phone is a personal computing device – totally intimate to the user, which makes it perfect to run an OS from a company that makes all their money selling advertising. Google, nether shy or laid back, gave a preview or their Android 3.0 OS that will bundle versions of visual voice mail, maps, and a totally revolutionary voice add-on that will mine conversations in real time and provide amazing unintrusive personalized recommendations.

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G1: Google gPhone and Android hit the market

The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications. Developers can create applications for the platform using the Android SDK.

Android is Google’s attempt to dominate the mobile advertising market, just as it has dominated the online PC advertising market, said Craig Wigginton, industry leader for Deloitte’s telecommunications practice. “Their number-one driver for pushing this is the advertising model,” he said.

The G1, the first Android phone introduced by T-Mobile, Google, and HTC on Tuesday, comes loaded with Google applications, including Gmail, Gtalk, Maps, and YouTube. The home screen includes just one item: a Google search bar. Each of those applications is an opportunity for Google to deliver advertisements to users.

There are 3.5 billion mobile-phone users worldwide; many more than computers users. Google, with their success at delivering advertising to desktop computers are looking to monetize this enormous opportunity.

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