Posts related to tippexperience

Viral Video Friday – TippExperience

A recent YouTube video ad for ink correction fluid brand Tipp-Ex allows offers a custom, interactive experience to viewers based on the product’s key functionality – allowing you to correct your original intention, or to change your mind. The video’s co-protagonist – a hunter/camper – is about to shoot a bear at his campsite, when he instead decides to use Tipp-Ex (taking it from the ad unit next to video) to correct the word ’shoots’ in the video title bar, and instead allow you to instruct what the hunter should do to the bear.

It’s basically Subservient Chicken all over again – well, a lot more basic, but same idea –  but with a YouTube spin. It has more than 50 different endings: dances with, sings with, talks to, hugs, draws, fights, doesn’t shoot, is shot by, loves, kisses, fucks, pisses with, sleeps with, eats, watches TV with, swims with, plays with, shakes hand with, buys, takes a photo of, fishes with, drinks with, rides, plays football with, spanks, farts, is cooked by, breakdances with, cuts, does nothing with, high fives, smokes with, moonwalks with, washes, jumps with, tickles, shows his ass to, seduces.

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