Posts related to Video

Viral Video Friday - Gillette

The week’s viral video friday goes to Gillette. Released this Monday, has quickly ramped up to 3.3 million views and 100,000 facebook shares. As part of an ad campaign for Gillette, in what was designed to look like an unscripted moment, Roger Federer serves a tennis ball across a room and it knocks a bottle off the top of a film crew member’s head. Then Federer repeats the trick. Most comments in the Youtube channel argue whether it’s true or fake … no one said anything about Gillette, nor the video really ties into the brand on any way …

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Official Facebook Places Video

Check out the official teaser video for Facebook places. What I really love about it is that it maps exactly to SapientNitro’s PoV on the space-time continuum for experience mapping; in layman terms what we believe is that every moment should cross space and time. A moment crosses spacewhen multiple people in different locations can live the same moment .. for example, you share a live video feed, lifecast, share status updates, photos, and your friends all over the world can interact with this content in real time.

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Coke + Village + Teens + RFID = Influence

This is a smart move on Coke’s end. Everyone knows that Coke mainly targets teens, and what if instead of marketing to teens, you get teens come to you, promote you, share, chat, and advocate your brand? Dream came true … Coke organized this experimental amazing hangout villa they called The Coca Cola Village. They’ve been doing it for a few years, or at least I found videos from 2008 and 2009.

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Viral Video Friday - Geico

Today’s Viral Video Friday goes to Geico. Their new Piggy commercial is the first Geico commercial in their channel to ever go viral… amazingly, out of the 43 commercials posts in their channel, this Piggy one is the first to pass the 1 million views mark, and it did it in less than a week.

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Latest Foot Locker ads by SapientNitro

The “Art Class” spot for Foot Locker by SapientNitro features a purportedly nude male model, being described by students as “leathery” and “crooked.” Very nicely done. Second spot takes a spin on the old butterface and introduces the concept of buttershoes.

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